Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Theo Sanchez stands beside his 1985 Cutlass. He has owned the car for many years but only became serious about "pimping" it for the past 2 years. So far he has spent upwards of $8,000.00 to restore his car to it's former glory; then surpassing expectations and taking it to the next level.

1 comment:

  1. Very good caption information on both photos. I always encourage students to talk to the subjects in their photos and get related information to help making the photos more interesting.

    Be aware that the photos that you are showing are "passive photos." They are not doing their own thing but posing for the camera. In most cases, in photojournalism, whenever possible, we should try the "active" candid photos first, unless we don't have a choice to get candid shots.
