Sunday, September 26, 2010

Nature's Beauty

While driving around with my husband we spotted this deer in the woods. My husband stopped the car and I took this photo from the car.

I got out of the car and slowly started walking toward the deer and when she looked up at me I stopped and took this photo.

As I started moving closer I saw this deer looking at me.

The buck appeared and I was just about to take his picture when I heard a snorting sound and they all started to run away. I didn't realize how many deer there were. I think I counted about seven or eight deer as they were running away.

On our way back home we drove past this windmill and I thought it was a pretty scene. I like being out in the country where it's so peaceful.

1 comment:

  1. Great scene! A little blurry.
    Did you use ISO 800 or ISO 1600?
    The lighting is not going to be good in the wood. Using a long lens can make the shaking and f-stop worse.
    Should have used a wide open aperture and set it at aperture priority and used high ISO.
