Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Birds and Man

I saw these birds on the pathway by the school tennis courts and the man walking toward them. I knew that they would probably fly away when he got close so I just focused and got the shot when it happened.

This week's new theme

Sorry. This week's theme came a bit late. We will move the deadline to next Wed. morning.

Bird and human

One condition to make it more challenging: The bird(s) has to be closer to the camera (at the foreground) and within 10 feet distance of the human. The person can be doing anything.

visual illusion

This photo has some kind of visual illusion. I shot it last week at the J-school.

I found it interesting when sometimes you see things at a specific perspective, the looks can be very different.

Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Hand In Hand

I was parked on the top floor of the parking
garage so I decided to look over the side
and I saw all these couples holding hands.

Sunday, October 17, 2010

This week's theme

Holding Hands
Has to be a male and a female.
Has to be at SAC or any other Alamo Colleges.
Both have to be adult. Do not post a mother holding a 6-year-old boy or two kids holding hands.
Candid shots please. Do not stage photos.
I will take holding shoulders or anything showing an intimate relationship.

Keep your eyes open. I took the above photos around lunch hours at the mall area. Due day: 10 a.m. next Monday.

Breaking the record

Hi news photo 1 folks,

We have the most photos published from this class last week. Please congratulate with me to Nicole, Damian, Pam, and Jenny. Some of you might already getting close to 7 photos by now. Good job.

Don't forget to write your critique within one week. No critique, no grade. Check out our class Website to get the instruction on how to write the Ranger critique.

Also, please be remind that we start to layout "People pages" and other pages on Wed. morning. Your photos need to be done by Tuesday afternoon (including selection and cutline). If not, the chance of getting published will be lessen.

Dr. Lo

Here is a photo from one of my weddings this weekend. One of the bridesmaids is trying to take a creative shot of the bride as she gets ready. I love her tongue sticking out with concentration!

Soccer Photography

On the weekends during the soccer season, many parents like to take pictures of the games. Professional photographers, amateur photographers and even beginners enjoy taking pictures of this fast-paced game

Saturday, October 16, 2010

Behind The Scene With The Track Photographers

The track photographers invited me to go with them
while they took the group photos of the jockeys. There
were only four women jockeys and they wanted a photo
of themselves without the men.
They were really a great group.

This jockey had her daughter with her and she
wanted their photo together. I know I was
standing in the wrong light and got sun spots.

This man wanted his photo taken with one of the photographers.

This was the only male jockey that stayed and had
individual photos taken after the group photo was finished.

I See What You See

The track photographer gets really close to the action....

Then she gets to take the photo of the winner
in the winner's circle....

Then it's back on the track for the next race....

The jockeys and the horses just fly by.

~Photographing Photographers~

Tuesday, October 12, 2010

The more things change...

David Leeson examines the impact of new technologies on photojournalism and video

Discussion topic of the month
This series of essays by Project Advisory Board Members is designed to provoke debate from the backpack journalism community. Join the conversation on Facebook or Twitter @bpjournalism.
David Leeson, above, is a Pulitzer Prize-winning photojournalist who began his career at the Abilene Reporter-News in 1977. Not only does Leeson teach at University of Texas at Dallas but he is also the owner of Protege Films - a video production company specializing in documentary films, as well as still photography.
The more things change... - by David Leeson (Part 1)
In his two part essay, Leeson discusses the impact of the development of technology on photography. He gives examples from personal experiences to further explain how new technology has affected him as a photographer as well as how it has had an impact on his work.
One experience that Leeson shares in this essay was back in 1994 when he attended the National Press Photographers Association Electronic Photojouralism Workshop. His assignment consisted of transmiting images from a Washington Redskins game using an Apple 150 laptop and a cell phone.
Not only as a photographer, but perhaps as a student, or a working member of society, have you ever had an experience when there is a task you must accomplish but time is not on your side? Perhaps the conditions are making matters worse and you become irritated and frustrated? Most likely the answer will be yes. At least, that's what happened with Leeson during this assignment.
Unfortunately for Leeson, things weren't going well. The modem he had for this assignment was not being cooperative. Not only that, but the temperature was blazing and the bright sun was winning over the dim light of the laptop. His solution to the problem was to drap a jacket over himself in order to be able to view the screen correctly.
A man who was standing not far away from Leeson mentioned, "You look like one of those old photographers with a cloth over his head," referring to when photographers used dark cloths for composing and focusing under bright conditions. Leeson reacted with a laugh to which the man added, "The more things change, the more they stay the same."
This is one of the first experiences that caused Leeson to further think about how technology has really changed over time.
Further along in his essay, Leeson also gives other examples, such as when color photography was first available to the public. He mentions that photographers would become excited over assigments that involved a lot of colors - such as a clown with colored ballons or flowers shows and sunsets.
If you wish to learn more about Leeson's experiences as a photographer and his thoughts on technology, please feel free to click the following link to continue reading his two part essay at the School of Communication website:
The content and information on this essay belongs to David Leeson. I did not write the blog on the School of Communication - this post is merely intended to inform people of this blog in case they are interested.

Monday, October 11, 2010


Our Wonderful Traffic Ticket System Hard at Work!

Another Victim of our great campus parking rules and regulations...
With Parking permits cost's on the rise one could wonder, why oh why would people not pay?

Rush Hour

Didn't have time to get creative this week! :(
And Its soooo hard to find someone that owns a one nowadays!

Sunday, October 10, 2010

Even the little ones got in on the action. It sure was loads of fun!
I know that this is not a bicycle or even a bike, but the neighbours and I had so much fun with it this weekend that I think it deserves an honourable mention!

Next week's posting theme

The bicycle photo was fun. I have not seen photos from everyone yet.

It is going to be a bit more challenging this coming week. First of all, I want this photo to be candid, not staged. Second, no photos of friends and relatives. Third, no photo taken inside the journalism and photography building. Yes, you are being pushed to work outside your comfort zone.

You are required to capture a moment of a person taking photo of other person (people). Both the photographer and subject being photographed have to be in the frame.

You have one week's time to capture this. The due day is Oct. 18 before 10 a.m.

My brother and his bike

My little brother is ALWAYS riding his bike so I took a few pics of him before he left for a ride around our neighborhood.

Sunday at the McAllister Park

Too Short for these Wheels

My younger sister sold her old bicycle during the summer, so she's been left without one for a while. The only bicycle at home at the moment is our dad's, unfortunately for her - she's too short.

Maybe a help from a chair will help~?

Nope, still too short.