Thursday, December 30, 2010

Moments in history recovered

A pearl found in an auction.

Talking about freezing historical moments in time.

A brilliant street photographer who was not known to the world after she died. Check her out.


Monday, December 27, 2010

My husband took this photo during one of the holiday "balls" that we attended. It is on of my favorite pics. Which do you prefer; the black and white or the color. Please let me know.

Tuesday, December 21, 2010

I love this perfume! :)

This was my last assignment for photo II. I love subjects that don't move or blink, lol!

It's Christmas Paartayyy time. My husband and I attended His company's military ball on Friday 17 Dec 2010. Had a blast! Woo-Hoo!

Friday, December 17, 2010

Wednesday, December 1, 2010

To those who refuse to be cyber trash

Jenny Robles mentioned about the possibility of keep posting on the class blog (that gave me an impression that she has not had enough of torturing). I've seen and created too many cyber trash on the web where no one actually visit them anymore. The only way to keep the blog alive is to, of course, not re-enrolling in Comm 1316 again, instead, to keep posting regularly. And to do that, I created an automatic e-mail notice on the blog with your e-mail address on it. That means whenever one of us posting on the blog, you will be notified via e-mail.

Sorry to keep reminding you this "stressing" experience. If that is your case, please send me an e-mail and I will unsubscribe you from the list.

Final word, it is nice to have you in my class. I can see you all have a passion in photography. Whether you want to be a photojournalist or not, I hope the skills you learned with us would take you a step closer into serious photography.