Thursday, December 30, 2010

Moments in history recovered

A pearl found in an auction.

Talking about freezing historical moments in time.

A brilliant street photographer who was not known to the world after she died. Check her out.


Monday, December 27, 2010

My husband took this photo during one of the holiday "balls" that we attended. It is on of my favorite pics. Which do you prefer; the black and white or the color. Please let me know.

Tuesday, December 21, 2010

I love this perfume! :)

This was my last assignment for photo II. I love subjects that don't move or blink, lol!

It's Christmas Paartayyy time. My husband and I attended His company's military ball on Friday 17 Dec 2010. Had a blast! Woo-Hoo!

Friday, December 17, 2010

Wednesday, December 1, 2010

To those who refuse to be cyber trash

Jenny Robles mentioned about the possibility of keep posting on the class blog (that gave me an impression that she has not had enough of torturing). I've seen and created too many cyber trash on the web where no one actually visit them anymore. The only way to keep the blog alive is to, of course, not re-enrolling in Comm 1316 again, instead, to keep posting regularly. And to do that, I created an automatic e-mail notice on the blog with your e-mail address on it. That means whenever one of us posting on the blog, you will be notified via e-mail.

Sorry to keep reminding you this "stressing" experience. If that is your case, please send me an e-mail and I will unsubscribe you from the list.

Final word, it is nice to have you in my class. I can see you all have a passion in photography. Whether you want to be a photojournalist or not, I hope the skills you learned with us would take you a step closer into serious photography.


Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Blog posting grade tallied

Congratulations! You get bonus points. I enjoy this blog very much. Good job.

Tuesday, November 23, 2010

The following photos were all taken at the San Pedro Park across from San Antonio College on Monday November 22nd, 2010

The photo above is actually a close-up of what appears to be a fountain with a gated small cave inside the giant boulder at San Antonio Park.
Although not seen clearly, the acorns in this image are underwater while the floating foam is on the surface of the water.

Sunday, November 21, 2010

Downtown Houston on a sunny Saturday.
This is an oldie but goodie for me.

Reflections of Life

I didn't have much time this week, but when
I was at my neighbors house I noticed the lamp
reflecting in the window. I went to get my camera
and when I came back their cat was sitting and looking
out the window so I was able to get this shot. After I took
this picture I noticed that I also captured the reflection
of the basketball goal in the pool water.

Tuesday, November 16, 2010

This week's theme (the last one!) - Reflection Art

Reflection Art

Photography art does not need to be found in the wild remote exotic places, or created after hundreds of clicks and drags within Photoshop software. 

Photography art can be found right beside you, and in a documentary way, with a joy of surprise, if only you have the heart, will, and patience. Well, of course, you cannot leave out the photography skill you learned from your instructors.

How can you not take photos of a scene with a bundle of yellow and white flowers inside the dashboard of a yellow beetles Volkswagen? With 15-minutes' wait and a lot of tries, and a little bit of luck, I have the reflection of the pigeons on the windshield at the right position.

Your photo needs to include two crucial elements, one is behind the glass, another is a reflection from the glass, and the two elements work together. By the way, I will take mirrors too, or even a puddle of water.

A little bit challenging; but why not give it a try. After all, this is your last posting assignment for this course.

Yes, you have one week to find it.

Dr. Lo

"Drinking n' Driving"

I do believe you need both hands to drive.

Hopefully that's not alcohol in that cup.

Sunday, November 14, 2010

"Panning" For Gold

Beep beep, student driver coming through.

Trying to impress the young lady with his soccer skills.

He made the kick without falling down
but do you think she was impressed?

He doesn't see me taking his photo. I think
he is really concentrating on his driving.

Good job sir. You seem do be a good
defensive driver.

Saturday, November 13, 2010

Ethics quiz tips

Ethics  quiz tips

1.     According to the author, what are the frameworks for making ethical decision?

2.     What was done to the photo showing the Iceland volcano ash that eventually being recalled by Reuters photo agency in April, 2010?

3.     What is the code of ethics listed by National Press Photographers Association (NPPA)?

4.     What did photographer Boris Yaro said to another photographer who tried to stop him while he was taking photos of Robert Kennedy dying on the ground after being assassinated?

5.     Why shouldn’t we pay subjects for letting us to take their photos?

6.     What should you do or shouldn’t do while taking up photo assignment of a funeral?
7.     Renowned photographer Eddie Adams took a photo that publicly considered as changing public opinion about the Vietnam War, what was that photo about?

8.     When Life magazine photographer Flip Schulke was shooting a civil right march led by Martin Luther King in Alabama and saw some black kids was being shoved to the ground by police, he stopped shooting but dragging the kids away. What did Dr. King told him at that moment?

9.     The author mentioned several times about “breakfast test” in describing ethical standards in publishing photos. What is the term means?

10.  In a 1975 photo of woman and a child falling off a collapsing fire escape, despite a strong complaint from the readers on publishing the photo, some advantage was acquired by publishing the photo. What was the advantage?

11.  What did the Website of Best of Photojournalism contest do to an award-winning photo showing a half-naked woman being sexually assaulted by a crowd at Mardi Gras in order to protect the identity of the victim?

  1. What did National Geographic magazine do to a 1982 cover photo of the pyramids of Giza?

  1. Charlotte Observer photographer Patrick Schneider’s manipulated photo of two grieving firefighters eventually earned him a 3-day suspension and also being stripped off of an award he had already won with that photo. What did he do to that photo?

  1. What did Time magazine do to the police mug shot of O. J. Simpson on its cover in 1994? What is the public’s reaction to the photo?

Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Panning shots

This week's theme will be panning. Same thing as last week, you don't want your subject under bright sunlight because you are looking for slow shutter speed.

Make sure you have a good background illustrates a moving feel. Your subject should be sharp though. You can shoot anything moving with a rather steady horizontal/vertical/diagonal speed. I will take anything except one thing: if you are shooting moving vehicles, you will need to pick the ones have the windows open showing clearly the driver in the car. 

Due day: next Wed. (11/17) at 10 a.m.

Wheelchair escort

 SAC police

Driving along the San Pedro Ave.

VIA driver/conductor


Sorry to have disturbed you, sir. But I think you better get back to your driving ... of course, with your eyes open. 

Portraits of Jenny

Here are some portraits I took of Jenny today for my portrait class. Thanks so much, Jenny! You did great!!!

Monday, November 8, 2010

"Slow Motion Skating"

On my way home from school, I went through the San Pedro Park and found a group of guys skating and performing several tricks on their boards.
These pictures were shot at a shutter speed of 1/10s

Slow Shutter Makes A Blur

I went to a Cowboy cookout this past weekend
and got these photos. I set up my tripod and just
waited for people to walk past.

Here are some lovely young girls dancing a tradition folk dance. Film speed was 1/15

This was taken at the 4th Annual Turkish Children's Festival in Houston this weekend. It was a special dance where the men twirled in a circle for at least 10-20 minutes without seeming to get dizzy. It was incredible.

Wednesday, November 3, 2010

The world of slow shutter speed

This week's theme:  The world of slow shutter speed

You have to shoot a photo with a speed under 1/10 a second with people moving in different speeds. Such as above, we have people standing, almost not moving, but you also see people walking in about 2 miles an hour.  Show the difference in their motion effect in one single photo.  Due next Wednesday.
Note: Don't shoot this photo under bright sunlight, because you will never get a slow shutter speed. Try overcast day or indoor.
Where is the birdie?